No videoconferencing by the CGRS in open asylum reception centres
December 12, 2020
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Minimum amount of stable, regular and sufficient income raised again from March 1st, 2020 for procedures of family reunification

Many family reunification procedures require the proof of a stable, regular and sufficient income to be provided by (most of the time only) the reference person of the family reunification. The Belgian authorities want to make sure that the reference person and his family are able to meet their own needs and thus prevent them from being dependent on social assistance.

The income must be at least equal to 120% of the amount referred to in Article 14, § 1, 3 ° of the Law of 26 May 2002 on the right to social integration.

The amounts of the monthly allowance were re-raised as of March 1st, 2020. From this date, the monthly allowance for a person living with a dependent family member is 1.295,91 euros.

Therefore, as of March 1st 2020, in many procedures of family reunification one should show that stable, regular and sufficient subsistence resources are available for a minimum of 1.555,09 euros net per month.

If you would like more information about the categories of people who have to prove their income during a family reunification procedure or how self-employed persons should prove their current net income and so forth, please contact Mr. Veerle Vanneuville ( or 03 / 248.06.02)